Happy AgDay! – 15 November All Australians enjoy the world class food and fibre grown right here in Australia. But some Australians know very little about the farmers and workers […]
Agriculture is one of the most dangerous industries in Australia, with a fatal injury rate six times higher than the national average. Fatigue is a major contributor to this high rate of […]
Australia’s agricultural sector is no stranger to the scorching heat, and with rising temperatures and more frequent heatwaves, heat illness is a growing concern for farmers, farmworkers, and the wider […]
Introduction:A chipped tooth can be a painful and unsettling experience, but knowing how to handle it promptly and effectively can make all the difference. In this guide, we will walk […]
G’day. I hope this message finds you free from injury or illness. However, things go wrong from time to time. Recently I heard of a case where someone on a […]
Whenever you need a tourniquet it is a very bad day. The maths of fluid volume loss vs time don’t work in our favour as First Aiders. So, Quick tip […]
Over the last few months I have had a few questions about Head Injury management and the role of pain medication in Head Injuries. So, if one person asks the […]
Whenever we apply our First Aid it means something hasn’t gone to plan that day!! And Murphy’s Law suggests that the time and place will be of the least convenience. […]
I have a confession to make. Whenever I see First Aid Kits in Workwear stores or outdoor stores, I usually roll my eyes and grind my teeth. It’s not that […]
The Agriculture Sector in Australia has some very ordinary (actually frightening) accident statistics currently. At the time of writing the agriculture sector employs approximately 3% of Australia’s workforce. But it […]