Rural and Remote First Aid draws on the unique expertise of our course designers and trainers to deliver industry specific courses to your property staff.
We want all Rural Australians to have the confidence and skills to act in the event of an emergency.
We partner with people who live and work in rural and remote areas so that if an emergency occurs, they can get the best outcome for their people and organisation.
We believe that safety requires 4 components.We call it the Safety Fence.
The fence posts are:
1. The right First Aid equipment
2.The right First Aid training
3.A Critical Incident Response Process
4.A Mental Health Awareness follow up process
Tailored courses with workplace specific scenarios for the following courses;
HLTAID013 - Provide First Aid in remote or isolated site Application and Re...
HLTAID011 - Provide first aid Application and Relevance This course applie...
HLTAID009 - Provide cardiopulmonary resuscitation Application and Relevanc...
Our contacts throughout the Agriculture and First Aid Training industries mean we can provide you with a range of products and services to meet your safety needs.
Click here to go to our online store The SMARTEST First Aid Kit on the market First Aid Fast Flip Book with scan-able QR (Quick Response) Codes for fast video instructions. Emergency response quick fold out section. Individual compartment
What problem does this program solve? More than most industries, the Agriculture sector runs on human resources. Automation across rural Australia is limited by geography and access to technology. So investing in staff is paramount. And when ther…
Each year 1 in 5 Australians will experience a mental illness. Many people are not knowledgeable or confident to offer assistance. Physical first aid is accepted and widespread in our community, however most do not cover mental health problems. M…
Automatic External Defibrillators (AED’s) form a vital part in the Primary Survey for patient survival. Whilst timely and effective CPR can maintain the ‘viability’ of a patient in Cardiac Arrest, Only a Defibrillator can ‘correct’ an out of rhythm h…
Working and living in rural Australia can be quite an isolating experience. I often think that that’s half the appeal of working in these environments. But it does come with some drawbacks. One of the drawbacks is the lack of access to facilities and…
See what others have to say
Clear and concise - tailored specifically to rural context. Great overview of every aspect of First Aid. Trainer encouraged confidence in aspects before we progressed.
Really invests in the teaching, keeps it interesting and humorous. You can tell Scott ha a passion for it rubs off on everyone and encourages attention in the class.
Camfield Very good course, realistic first aid situations.
It was the best first aid course I have done. It was very well planned, and I learnt heaps, which was great.
Very rewarding course. Good fellas running it. CPR was easy to understand, and the rural book is very well done.
Really engaging and relevant to first aid situations we would most likely the experience. The scenarios were also great.
2024 was a year of reflection, challenge and refinement for Rural and Remote First Aid. I’ve taken the time to deeply consider our core mission:…
Happy AgDay! – 15 November All Australians enjoy the world class food and fibre grown…
Queensland woman bitten by eastern brown snake in bed Australia sees around 3,000 snakebite incidents…
Tomorrow October 16th is World Restart a Heart Day, so……… Announcing the World Resus Rally,…
There a couple of ways you can make your way onto our courses. Depending on whether you are a business or an individual. We schedule regular trip itineraries around the Queensland and Northern Territory pastoral regions at times of year where the staff are in attendance and it fits with the workload of the properties. In between these we attempt to visit local towns and offer courses to those that may not have the staff numbers to viably run their own course. These courses are run at Town Halls, meeting rooms in pubs or CWA halls, etc. Whatever is most convenient (and cost effective). The best way to arrange a course is to email us on and we will get back to you to discuss the best options for your circumstances and requirements. It may be possible to join in on other courses that are nearby to you on other stations. Or you can go to our events page and look for a course that is running nearby to you and book yourself in. If you have any troubles, concerns or questions about this, just contact us on the above email, let us know what course you are interested in and we can help you from there. If emailing isn’t your thing just call us on 0491 057 339.
Typically the defining feature that determines the need for Remote Area First Aid as opposed to ‘normal’ First Aid is the time to access critical care. But this is a little simplistic. There is a little more to it. We need to bring in the Risk factors associated with the location and the type of work being done. For example, lets say the work place is a gas pipeline maintenance site in an isolated location. The nature of the work is hot and manual but the location of the work is only on the defined worksite (ie not mobile up and down the pipeline) and there is an airstrip nearby. The distance by air for an air ambulance is 30 mins from take off to landing. So, just by time alone we could say that the course requirements are for HLTAID003 Provide First Aid, ‘normal’ First Aid. But, what is the nature of the the work? Are injuries likely to be high impact? How often is the air ambulance not on the ground at its base? What sort of medical facilities and trained personnel (such as paramedics) are on site permanently? The combination of the answers to these and other questions about operation and medical response will determine the level of training needed. Compare the same worksite but we are assessing the administration team. Clearly the injury risk profile is quite different. Make sure to factor in any pre-existing medical conditions/complaints that might be amongst your workforce. Contrast that with the worker on a remote cattle station that work away from a base, operates a motorbike around cattle in undulating terrain. Clearly a time and injury risk elevation. And when in doubt, default to the higher level of training/care possible. The price difference isn’t that large to take a lessor option unnecessarily! The final reminder is that the recommendation is for CPR to be updated every 12 months and all higher course levels to be undertaken every 3 years. If you not sure where to head with it all, email us on or call 0491 057 339. We’ll be happy to guide you through it.
The most common course delivered for the workplace in Australia is the HLTAID003 Provide First Aid. This has been referred to in the past as Workplace or Level 2 First Aid. When you do your Risk Management process for First Aid requirements in the workplace it would be easy to see this as the appropriate course for your needs. Just keep in mind that the HLTAID003 Provide First Aid does assume that medical care is approximately 25-30 mins away or less. For most of the workplaces we work with that time frame for medical response is unrealistic and a longer term patient care skill will be required. Also, the HLTAID003 doesn’t generally involve movement of a patient. It concentrates mainly on immobilisation and waiting for medical care to arrive on site. In Rural and Remote settings, this is often unrealistic and counter-productive for the time critical needs of an injured person that is far from care. The preferred course for this type of work is the HLTAID005 Provide First Aid in Remote situations. It covers all the content of the HLTAID003 with the addition of a Risk Management and pre-planning module and a focus on extended patient care, monitoring and movement of patients where required. Not everyone in your team needs to have the Remote Area qualification. Those that are in charge of groups or who work process is often isolated are the most important ones to have the higher level of First Aid training, but it is of benefit to all. Also the further you are away from medical services (or if that service is in high demand, meaning the availability is limited) then we would definitely recommend HLTAID005 Provide First Aid in Remote situations. If you have any questions about the suitability of the Remote Area First Aid course, or just looking to find more information on the appropriate First Aid course for your requirements email us on or call 0491 057 339.
We are fully portable in our set up so we can conduct the training almost anywhere! All we need is a room and some power. Other than that, the sky is the limit! Most training is delivered at your workplace but we also deliver in community halls, function rooms, etc. Our aim is to be as convenient to your location as possible so you can get the training you need with the minimum amount of interruption to your operation/workplace.
The training is a mixture of practical and theory. We deliver on site and bring almost everything with us. All we need is a room and some electricity to plug in our laptop and projector. A common area for us to us is the Rec Club or similar. If we use the projector we just need somewhere to project onto. A pale coloured wall of some sort will usually do the job! We can use TV screens with HDMI inputs if they are in place. In fact, that’s sometimes easier. Whiteboards are also very handy if you have one, but we carry very large sticky note pads if there is no whiteboard available. For the participants, we will need chairs, pens and it’s handy if they can sit at a table but not essential. We ask participants to wear clothes that can get dirty as the scenarios are outside and can involve fluids and dirt. If you have any other questions, please don’t hesitate to email or call 0491 057 339