Rural & Remote First Aid

 Mental Health Awareness Day and Week

Mental Health Awareness Day and Week

The 10th October is World Mental Health Day. It also kicks off Mental Health week. It doesn’t seem like we need too much of a reminder that Mental Health issues are increasingly common. Particularly in the current craziness of all that is going on around us. Even more so when when much of it seems to be beyond our control.

The term Mental Health is actually defined by the World Health Organisation as a positive attribute ie to have good Mental Health is a good thing. It’s the same as Physical Health … it can good health or poor health. And like physical health there are things we can do to proactively look after it, but sometimes we get unhealthy for any number of reasons. And that’s when we need to do something to restore good health again.

So remember we are all on this rock together, be kind and supportive and utilise the resources that are around if you are feeling like it all is getting away from you too much at the moment. Below are some useful contacts.

If you want to get to know some of the warning signs and when to engage someone who might be doing it a bit tough, we run a 4-hour Mental Health Awareness course. Designed to Recognise, Respond and Refer. Click here for details.

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