The Trauma Module is a visual and clearly labelled soft pack that can be ordered individually as a replacement module for The Modulator Softpack or The Modulator Metal Cabinet editions.
This module can also be used in addition to any core workplace kit or as a single standing trauma wound kit.
Ensures hassle–free servicing and easy re-stocking with individual replacement modules.
AFH100 | AEROFORM Heavyweight Conforming Bandage 10cm x 4m | 1 Roll |
AGNPF02 | AEROGLOVE Nitrile Examination Gloves | 1 Pair |
ABC10 | AEROBAND Triangular Bandage 110 x 110 x 155cm | 1 pc |
APD50S | AEROPAD Low Adherent Dressings 5cm x 5cm | 1 pc |
AWD15S | AEROWOUND BPC Wound Dressing #15 | 1 pc |
ATB130 | AERORESCUE Emergency Rescue Blanket (Silver) | 1 pc |
ACD1020SI | AEROWOUND Combine Dressing 10cm x 20cm | 1 pc |
AII2500 | AEROPLAST Instant Ice Pack 80g | 1 pc |
AAB100 | AEROSUPPLIES Amputated Parts Bag | 3 pc |
AGS753S | AEROSWAB Gauze Swabs 7.5 x 7.5cm 3’s | 1 pc |
AFS001 | AEROSHIELD CPR Face Shield | 1 pc |
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