Rural & Remote First Aid

A new name!

Yes, a new name. Gotya First Aid has existed since 2002 and has been delivering Remote Area First Aid course around Australia since its inception, but we felt it was time to change the name to something that more reflected what we specialise in. So we are now Rural and Remote First Aid.

So why the name change? Due to some recent internal restructures we are able to expand our offerings across the rural sector. Whilst the majority of our work has come about from word of mouth, we are now looking to offer our services to station operators that may not have heard of us before. We felt it was important to have a name that more reflected who we are and what we do without the need to explain it further. Direct from the school of ‘It does what it says on the tin.’ we wanted there to be no ambiguity about what we do and to clearly define the difference between us and other operators that may not be as specialised in the product they offer.

And with the name change comes a new logo also.

And so we introduce it to you, our existing customers and welcome anyone we are yet to work with.

To recap, we specialise in delivering Remote Area First Aid (HLTAID005) courses and CPR updates to rural businesses at the most convenient location possible to your operation. Most of the time that is your worksite. It is subject to minimum numbers but where those numbers don’t meet the minimum, we attempt to combine a number of smaller operations in a central location to minimise cost and interruption to your work schedules.

If you have any questions or would like to know more about working with us please drop us an email at or call 0491 057 339.


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